
The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to air quality, including but not limited to the following:

• Air quality modeling

• Emission models and inventories

• Air pollution mitigation and management

• Aerosols and particles

• Health risks associated with air pollution

• Indoor air quality and sick building syndrome

• Monitoring and measurements of pollutants

• Air pollution control and mitigation technologies

• Industrial air pollution and associated health risks

• Air pollution and climate change

• Air quality and its impact on regional to global scales

• Air quality databases and information systems

• Chemical and physical transformation processes in the environment

• Development and application of air quality and related models

• Measurement of air pollutants and process studies

• Meteorological processes and interactions

• Model evaluation studies

• Personal exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution

• Sampling techniques and instrumentation

• Source apportionment studies

• Earth observations for air quality research

• Wind tunnel and atmospheric physical modeling